I am a Quantitative Analyst/Developer and Data Scientist with backgroud of Finance, Education, and IT industry. This site contains some exercises, projects, and studies that I have worked on. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at ih138 at columbia dot edu.
Performed Principal Component Analysis of High School students performances of 3 major subjects in Maryland State 2014.
School Name
Algebra Adv Pct
Algebra Proficient Pct
Algebra Basic Pct
English Adv Pct
English Proficient Pct
English Basic Pct
Biology Adv Pct
Biology Pforiceint Pct
Biology Basic Pct
###Data Sources
[Maryland State][1]
[1]: http://www.mdreportcard.org
At /etc/Rserv.conf
remote enable
> Rserve(args ="--no-save")
alg = read.csv('files/algebra_2014.csv', header=T)
names(alg) # Check all names
keeps = c("School.Name","Advanced.Pct", "Proficient.Pct", "Basic.Pct" ) # The colomuns to keep
alg = alg[keeps]
names(alg)[2]= "alg.Advanced.Pct"
names(alg)[3] = "alg.Proficient.Pct"
names(alg)[4] = "alg.Basic.Pct"
alg$School.Name = as.character(alg$School.Name)
alg$School.Number = as.numeric(as.character(alg$School.Number))
alg$School.Name = paste(alg$School.Name, alg$School.Number, sep=".")
alg$School.Name = as.factor(alg$School.Name)
alg_df = subset(alg, alg.Advanced.Pct!="*" )
eng_df = subset(eng, eng.Advanced.Pct!="*" )
bio_df = subset(bio, bio.Advanced.Pct!="*" )
# English
for (i in 2:dim(eng_df)[2]) {
eng_df[,i] = as.character(eng_df[,i])
eng_df[,i][eng_df[,i]=="<= 5.0"] = "5.0"
eng_df[,i] = as.factor(eng_df[,i])
total = merge(alg_df, eng_df, by="School.Name")
total = merge(total, bio_df, by="School.Name")
write.table(total, file='total.csv', sep=',')
pc.cr <- princomp(df, cor=TRUE) # PCA
pc.cr # print PCA object
summary(pc.cr) # summarize results
loadings(pc.cr) # list loadings
res =pc.cr$sdev^2/sum(pc.cr$sdev^2)
scores = pc.cr$score
Tableau will call R with SCRIPT_*() at “calculated Fields” modifying the above R code as below:
"n <- max(.arg10)
df <- data.frame(.arg1,.arg2,.arg3,.arg4, .arg5, .arg6, .arg7, .arg8, .arg9)
pc <- princomp(df, cor = TRUE)
SUM([bio.Advanced.Pct]), SUM([bio.Proficient.Pct]), SUM([bio.Basic.Pct]),
SUM([eng.Advanced.Pct]), SUM([eng.Proficient.Pct]), SUM([eng.Basic.Pct]),[Component x]
Overall look is as below:
You can donwload the workbook at my github page or from direct link in the upper-left side.
http://kb.tableausoftware.com/articles/knowledgebase/r-implementation-notes http://www.tableausoftware.com/about/blog/2013/10/tableau-81-and-r-25327 http://www.r-bloggers.com/dream-team-combining-tableau-and-r/ http://www.tableausoftware.com/learn/whitepapers/tableau-and-r-faq