I am a Quantitative Analyst/Developer and Data Scientist with backgroud of Finance, Education, and IT industry. This site contains some exercises, projects, and studies that I have worked on. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at ih138 at columbia dot edu.
By default, whitespace as delimiter.
Action | Command |
Print all columns separated by whitespace | awk '{print $0}' filename |
Print first column separated by comma | awk -F "," '{print $1}' filename |
Print second and third columns separated by colon | awk -F ":" '{print $2 $4}' filename |
Print all columns except 2nd column separated by whitespace | awk '{$2=""; print $0}' filename |
Print all columns except 2nd and 3rd column separated by whitespace | awk '{$2=$3=""; print $0}' filename |
Better use absolute pathname.
Action | Command |
Create Soft Link |
Softlink is only possible across different partitions.
Create Hard Link |
* . and .. are hardliked to the current and parent directory resepectively. Linux don't allow users to create hard link to directory.
* No hard link across different partitions.
When deleting original file to soft link. | The soft link will still exist as broken link. |
When deleting original file to hard link. | The hard link will still exist. Can access to the content of the original file which is already deleted. |
Soft linke is very useful to storage problem | The Partition 1 is almost full. The additional space for log directory in the partition 1. Then move all log files to new partition, delete the original log file. 2. Create a soft link (as the same name to the original log directory) in the partition 1 so that the link points the new log directory in the partiion 2. |
wc -l millionsong.txt
head -n 1 millionsong.txt
head -n 1 millionsong.txt | wc -c # just count the letters in first row.
head -n 1 millionsong.txt | awk -F',' ' { print NF }' # Right result