I am a Quantitative Analyst/Developer and Data Scientist with backgroud of Finance, Education, and IT industry. This site contains some exercises, projects, and studies that I have worked on. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at ih138 at columbia dot edu.
find . -mtime +50 -mtime -100
2.) Find all files permission 777
find . -type f -perm 0777
3.) Find all read-only file
find . -perm /u=r
4.) Find all excutable file
find . -perm /a=x
5.) Find all empty file
find . -type f -empty
6.) Find all files basedon user
find . -user "username"
7.) Find all c files then change mode
find . -name "*.c" -exec chmod g+w {} \;
$ cat a
this is line 1 UNIX UNIX
this is line 2 unix
this is line 3 Unix Unix
this is line 4 hello
$ grep unix a
this is line 2 unix
$ grep -c -a unix a
3.)Ignore upper and lower case
$ grep -i unix a
this is line 1 UNIX UNIX
this is line 2 unix
this is line 3 Unix Unix
4.)Add line number
$ grep -i -n unix a
1:this is line 1 UNIX UNIX
2:this is line 2 unix
3:this is line 3 Unix Unix
$ grep -i -n hello a
4:this is line 4 hello
5.)Print only patter parts
$ grep -o unix a
$ grep -oi unix a
6.)Print lines not containing patterns
$ grep -vin unix a
4:this is line 4 hello
7.)Search file for multiple patterns or for pattern beginning with hyphen
grep -n -e unix -e hello a
2:this is line 2 unix
4:this is line 4 hello
8.)Multiple files
$ cat a
this is line 1 UNIX UNIX
this is line 2 unix
this is line 3 Unix Unix
this is line 4 hello
$ cat b
this is line 1 hello
this is line 2 Unix
this is line 3 UNIX UNIX
this is line 4 unix unix
$ grep -in unix a b
a:1:this is line 1 UNIX UNIX
a:2:this is line 2 unix
a:3:this is line 3 Unix Unix
b:2:this is line 2 Unix
b:3:this is line 3 UNIX UNIX
b:4:this is line 4 unix unix
$ find .
$ grep -r unix .
./a:this is line 2 unix
./b:this is line 4 unix unix
Print 3 lines before, 2 lines after term "unix".
$ grep -B 3 -A 2 unix .
What it does | Pattern |
The string bag | bag |
"bag" at the begining of line or string. | ^bag |
"bag" at the end of line or string. | bag$ |
"bag" as the only text on line | ^bag$ |
"Bag" or "bag" | [Bb]ag |
Second character is vowel | b[aeiou]g |
Second character is NOT vowel | b[^aeiou]g |
Second character is any character except new line | b.g |
Any line containing exactly three characters. | ^...$ |
Any line that begins with a dot | ^\. |
Any line that doesn't begin with a dot | ^[^.] |
"bug", "bugs", "bugss", etc | bugs* |
A word in quotes | "word" |
A word, with or without quotes | "*word"* |
One or more uppercase letters | [A-Z][A-Z]* |
An uppercase letter, followed by zero or more characters | [A-Z].* |
Zero or more uppercase letters. | [A-Z]* |
Any letter. | [a-zA-Z] |
Any alphanumeric sequence | [0-9A-Za-z]+ |
$ cat a
this is line 1 UNIX UNIX
this is line 2 unix
this is line 3 Unix Unix
this is line 4 hello
$ head -n 2 a
this is line 1 UNIX UNIX
this is line 2 unix
$ head -n +2 a
this is line 1 UNIX UNIX
this is line 2 unix
read last 2 lines
$ tail -n 2 a
this is line 3 Unix Unix
this is line 4 hello
read from 2nd line to last
$ tail -n +2 a
this is line 2 unix
this is line 3 Unix Unix
this is line 4 hello
read 3rd line only
$ tail -n +3 a | head -n 1
this is line 3 Unix Unix
2.)Using "cut"
$ cat a
this is line 1 UNIX UNIX
this is line 2 unix
this is line 3 Unix Unix
this is line 4 hello
$ cut -c 1 a
$ cut -c 1,4 a
$ cut -c 1-4 a
$ cut -d" " -f1 a
3.)Using sed$ sed -n -e 2p -e 4p a
this is line 2 unix
this is line 4 hello
Read 2nd to 4th line
$ sed -n 2,4p a
this is line 2 unix
this is line 3 Unix Unix
this is line 4 hello
s: substitution
a: search string
b: replacement string
ex)$ echo 'upstarem' | sed 's/up/down/' downstarem
$ cat a | sed 's/is/are/' thare is line 1 UNIX UNIX thare is line 2 unix thare is line 3 Unix Unix thare is line 4 helloThat is, it is not global default. 'g' should be added. However, remember that each line is a stream. So, 'is' in each stream (line) is changed not second one.
$ cat a | sed 's/is/are/g' thare are line 1 UNIX UNIX thare are line 2 unix thare are line 3 Unix Unix thare are line 4 hello
$ cat a | sed -e 's/this/that/g' -e 's/is/are/g' -e 's/line/line number/g' that are line number 1 UNIX UNIX that are line number 2 unix that are line number 3 Unix Unix that are line number 4 hello
[address [,address]][!]command[arguments]