I am a Quantitative Analyst/Developer and Data Scientist with backgroud of Finance, Education, and IT industry. This site contains some exercises,
projects, and studies that I have worked on. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at ih138 at columbia dot edu.
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ArcGIS Example 1
Data collection and build the map app
This is how to add layers one by one acquiring from web resources. ArcGIS example 2 shows how to add layers from ArcGIS server.
Target Data:
- Maryland State Boundary
- Maryland Counties Boundary
- Maryland Public School
- Maryland Census Data
Steps using ArcMAP and ArcCatalog
Data sources:

State boundary

County boundary

Census Data


Put the above shape file on ArcMap
I setup the folder connection in ArcCatalog first as below:

Then, put all four shapefiles on ArcMap

Select the high school by choosing type=High

Now the all high schools are highlighted as below

For an another example, I found the high schools in Baltimore county.

(Option: Data from ArcOnline)