Chris IJ Hwang

I am a Quantitative Analyst/Developer and Data Scientist with backgroud of Finance, Education, and IT industry. This site contains some exercises, projects, and studies that I have worked on. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at ih138 at columbia dot edu.

View My GitHub Profile


Smart Beta Strategy

There are many different factors and smart beta strategies. In this report, I want to focus on how utilize the different portfolio construction.
Previously, I have used data and platform from This time, I have constructed my platform on Amazon Web Services(AWS) using Linux server along with MySQL database.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from ch_api import ch_optimize, util, ch_portfolio

import importlib
USE_DB = True  # It DB connection is limited, let's use pickle files inluced in the repo not connecting DB
ID = ''
PW = ''
import yaml
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://%s:%s@localhost/securities_master' % 
                       (ID, PW), 


Universe of SP 500

Daily price data of SP 500 are collected from yahoo finance.


I used factors from the Fama_Frent 5 factor models and Momentum from the data library in the site (
See this ( for 5 factor model and here ( for momentum factor defiine.

if USE_DB:
    factors_ts = pd.read_sql("select * from symbol where instrument='factor' and ticker<>'RF'", engine)
    # factors data are available in the pickle file: %root%/input/factors.pkl
    factors_ts = pd.read_pickle('../data/factors.pkl')
tis = list(factors_ts['ticker'].values)

# Factors
['Mkt-RF', 'SMB', 'HML', 'RMW', 'CMA', 'MOM']


Python 3.7 and CVXPY are the key components. Please refer to the file %project_root%/python_environment.txt

Beta, Loading, and Covariance

For this project, I used 250-day lookback period for rolling daily loading value of Beta, factor loadings, and covarianace/correlation computation.

Factors Performance & Correlation

start_date = '2012-01-02'
end_date = '2018-08-24'

if USE_DB:
    stm = "select * from daily_price where ticker in %s and instrument_type='factor'" % str(tuple(tis))
    factors_ts = pd.read_sql(stm, engine)

    factors_ts = factors_ts[['price_date', 'ticker', 'adj_close_price']]
    idx = (factors_ts['price_date']>=start_date) & (factors_ts['price_date']<=end_date)

    df_sliced = factors_ts[idx].copy()
    df_sliced.set_index(['price_date', 'ticker'],inplace=True)
    factors_unstacked = df_sliced.unstack(level=-1)
    factors_unstacked_aligned = factors_unstacked.dropna()
    factors_unstacked_aligned = pd.read_pickle("../data/")

2012-01-03 -0.0021 0.0087 -0.0261 0.0150 -0.0067 -0.0010
2012-01-04 -0.0005 0.0009 0.0012 0.0000 0.0026 -0.0063
2012-01-05 0.0008 0.0014 -0.0058 0.0039 -0.0038 0.0020
2012-01-06 -0.0004 -0.0026 -0.0006 -0.0019 -0.0004 -0.0004
2012-01-09 0.0025 -0.0005 -0.0034 0.0028 -0.0021 0.0027
factors_unstacked_aligned = factors_unstacked_aligned['adj_close_price'].copy()
factors_unstacked_aligned_cum = np.cumprod(factors_unstacked_aligned + 1.0) - 1.0
sns.heatmap(factors_unstacked_aligned.corr(), annot=True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f8f87d68f60>


Overview Scenario

Value and Momentum is known as historically negative correlation. The target horizon for this analysis if from 2017/1/4 ~ 2017/12/30. During this period, Value factor was in downturn and Momentum factor return is going up while it was opposite during year 2016.

First, I will construct 4 different portfolio for different goals but using same stocks with different weights scheme.
There are four different portfolio constructed.

Since we already know that during 2017, value return was negative while momemtum and market were positive. The portfolio 1 is expected to be negative, but we will see how much the portfolio 2 which is combined with momentum will be helpful. All portfolio will be rebalanced daily.

Base Portfoliio

The first baseline portfolio is equal weight portfolio with stocks randomly selected from each sector.
Its asset level information is below:


1. Baseline portfolio: Equal Weight Portfolio

ew_portfolio_ts = pd.read_pickle('../output/ts_base_portfolio.pkl')
ew_portfolio_ts.rename(columns={'metric_date': 'date'}, inplace=True)
ew_portfolio_ts.set_index(['date', 'ticker'], inplace=True)
CMA HML MOM Mkt-RF RMW SMB beta daily_return inception_date name pf_name price sector weight
date ticker
2017-01-04 UA -1.3362 0.3133 -0.9523 0.8744 -0.3100 0.2990 1.6032 0.0314 2017-01-04 Under Armour Class C ew_pf_all 26.5700 Consumer Discretionary 0.0141
AAP 0.4638 -0.0423 0.3011 1.1246 0.5644 0.2373 0.9311 0.0082 2017-01-04 Advance Auto Parts ew_pf_all 171.4716 Consumer Discretionary 0.0141
KSS 0.7001 0.3590 -0.0257 0.8332 0.9086 1.2936 0.9613 0.0422 2017-01-04 Kohl's Corp. ew_pf_all 47.7039 Consumer Discretionary 0.0141
LEN -0.4864 0.2597 -0.1227 1.1653 0.7193 0.3950 1.2897 0.0247 2017-01-04 Lennar Corp. ew_pf_all 43.0236 Consumer Discretionary 0.0141
DHI -0.6686 0.2399 0.1262 1.4062 0.4596 0.3211 1.4566 0.0243 2017-01-04 D. R. Horton ew_pf_all 27.6662 Consumer Discretionary 0.0141
CMA HML MOM Mkt-RF RMW SMB beta daily_return inception_date name pf_name price sector weight
date ticker
2017-12-29 SO 0.1923 -0.2192 0.0853 0.1449 0.1820 -0.4436 -0.0128 -0.0039 NaN Southern Co. ew_pf_all 46.2199 Utilities 0.0141
FE 0.5098 -0.3313 -0.0613 0.3937 0.1132 -0.6176 0.0896 0.0056 NaN FirstEnergy Corp ew_pf_all 29.6545 Utilities 0.0141
LNT 0.1568 -0.2446 -0.0118 0.3417 0.3191 -0.3614 0.1800 -0.0012 NaN Alliant Energy Corp ew_pf_all 41.5924 Utilities 0.0141
NI 0.3920 -0.3680 0.0091 0.5732 0.3117 -0.5431 0.3441 0.0043 NaN NiSource Inc. ew_pf_all 25.0607 Utilities 0.0141
DUK 0.0537 -0.0941 -0.0310 0.2038 0.2062 -0.4132 0.0302 0.0014 NaN Duke Energy ew_pf_all 81.2140 Utilities 0.0141

portfolio returns

# portfolio returns
port_ret = ew_portfolio_ts.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: (x['weight']*x['daily_return']).sum())
port_ret_df = pd.DataFrame(port_ret)
port_ret_df.columns = ['EW']
2017-01-04 0.011033
2017-01-05 -0.001981
2017-01-06 0.000398
2017-01-09 -0.007755
2017-01-10 0.001308

portfolio exposures

ew_portfolio_ts_reset = ew_portfolio_ts.reset_index()

exposure_ts_df = ew_portfolio_ts_reset.groupby('date').apply(lambda x: ch_portfolio.computing_exposures(x))

sector Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Energy Financials Health Care Industrials Information Technology Materials Real Estate Telecommunication Services Utilities date portfolio_name CMA HML MOM Mkt-RF RMW SMB
2017-01-04 0 0.0846 0.141 0.1269 0.0705 0.0705 0.0705 0.0846 0.0987 0.1269 0.0141 0.1128 2017-01-04 ew_pf_all 0.485095 -0.142093 -0.173468 1.038622 0.185378 -0.061437
2017-01-05 0 0.0846 0.141 0.1269 0.0705 0.0705 0.0705 0.0846 0.0987 0.1269 0.0141 0.1128 2017-01-05 ew_pf_all 0.480883 -0.137318 -0.171566 1.037753 0.187069 -0.057236
2017-01-06 0 0.0846 0.141 0.1269 0.0705 0.0705 0.0705 0.0846 0.0987 0.1269 0.0141 0.1128 2017-01-06 ew_pf_all 0.486516 -0.135081 -0.167447 1.040831 0.194314 -0.056110
2017-01-09 0 0.0846 0.141 0.1269 0.0705 0.0705 0.0705 0.0846 0.0987 0.1269 0.0141 0.1128 2017-01-09 ew_pf_all 0.490078 -0.133538 -0.162041 1.045910 0.190487 -0.055758
2017-01-10 0 0.0846 0.141 0.1269 0.0705 0.0705 0.0705 0.0846 0.0987 0.1269 0.0141 0.1128 2017-01-10 ew_pf_all 0.486553 -0.131016 -0.158807 1.047882 0.190611 -0.050869

2. other three portfolios

<module 'ch_api.ch_optimize' from '/home/ec2-user/work/QuantResearch/ch_api/'>
# optimize each portfolio with daily rebalancing
# 1. portfolio return df : port_ret_df
# 2. portfolio exposure df: exposure_ts_df
from cfg import mv, value, value_mom_mix
lst_portfolio = [mv, value, value_mom_mix]
for pf in lst_portfolio:
    # 1. optimize ts data
    opt = ch_optimize.Optimizer().createOptimizer(pf, 
                                optimizer_type='MV', engine=engine, 
            lst_factor=[ u'CMA', u'HML', u'MOM', 'RMW',u'SMB',])
    optimized_df = opt.run_optimize(ew_portfolio_ts)
    optimized_df = optimized_df.rename(columns={
        'weight': 'old_weight', 
        'optimized_weight': 'weight'})
    optimized_df['pf_name'] = pf.pf_name
    # 2. shift optimized_weight
    opt_weights_sr = optimized_df.unstack()['weight'].shift().stack()
    opt_weights_df = pd.DataFrame(opt_weights_sr)
    opt_weights_df.columns = ['optimized_weight_shift']
    final_portfolio = optimized_df.merge(opt_weights_df, 
    # 3. performance computation
    final_portfolio_perf = final_portfolio.groupby(level=0).apply(
        lambda x: (x['daily_return'] * x['optimized_weight_shift']).sum())
    final_portfolio_perf_df = pd.DataFrame(final_portfolio_perf)
    final_portfolio_perf_df.columns = [pf.pf_name]
    port_ret_df= pd.concat([port_ret_df, final_portfolio_perf_df], axis=1)
    # 4. Exposure computation
    final_portfolio_exp_ready = final_portfolio.rename(columns={'weight': 'optimized_weight', 
                                                      'optimized_weight_shift': 'weight'})
    final_portfolio_exp_ready_reset = final_portfolio_exp_ready.reset_index()
    exposure_ts_tmp_df = final_portfolio_exp_ready_reset.groupby('date').apply(
                 lambda x: ch_portfolio.computing_exposures(x))
    exposure_ts_df = pd.concat([exposure_ts_df, exposure_ts_tmp_df])
array(['ew_pf_all', 'MV', 'Value', 'Value_Mom'], dtype=object)
EW MV Value Value_Mom
2017-01-04 0.011033 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2017-01-05 -0.001981 -0.001029 -0.008573 -0.005672
2017-01-06 0.000398 -0.000776 0.006222 0.004171
2017-01-09 -0.007755 -0.007129 -0.008989 -0.006686
2017-01-10 0.001308 0.005204 0.009201 0.012008
vol_df = pd.DataFrame(port_ret_df.std() * np.sqrt(250))
vol_df.columns = ['Vol']
EW 0.072797
MV 0.075962
Value 0.160162
Value_Mom 0.104974
final_return_df = pd.DataFrame(port_cum_ret_df.iloc[-1])
final_return_df.columns = ['Return']
EW 0.176100
MV 0.175094
Value -0.035823
Value_Mom 0.108284
summary_df = pd.concat([final_return_df, vol_df], axis=1)
Return Vol
EW 0.176100 0.072797
MV 0.175094 0.075962
Value -0.035823 0.160162
Value_Mom 0.108284 0.104974
summary_df['Risk Adj Ret'] = summary_df['Return']/summary_df['Vol']
Return Vol Risk Adj Ret
EW 0.176100 0.072797 2.419046
MV 0.175094 0.075962 2.305025
Value -0.035823 0.160162 -0.223667
Value_Mom 0.108284 0.104974 1.031536
port_cum_ret_df = np.cumprod(port_ret_df + 1.0) - 1.0

Portfolio Returns

Portfolio Factor Sensitity

Portfolio Sector Exposures


As expected, value portfolio was the worst performer. Value_Mom portfolio has boosted much better while both equal weighted and Min variance portfolio had good risk adjusted returns. In case of MV portfolio, its exposure to all factors except Market-Riskfree are mostly between -0.1 ~ 0.15.

For the further analysis, it should be done using stock selection methods for each portfolio especially Value-Momentum portfolio with different mix and integration methods.


Israel, Ronen and Jiang, Sarah and Ross, Adrienne, Craftsmanship Alpha: An Application to Style Investing (September 8, 2017). Available at SSRN: or

Fama, Eugene F. and French, Kenneth R., A Five-Factor Asset Pricing Model (September 2014). Fama-Miller Working Paper. Available at SSRN: or

Equity factor-based investing: A practitioner’s guide.